John Eckman

John Eckman is a veteran of the web content management industry, a blogger for the CMS Myth (, and the Managing Director of the Boston office of ISITE Design (
He’s worked with many open source and proprietary content management platforms large and small, and has been at various points a user experience lead, a project manager, a developer and technical architect, and a digital strategist for clients from 10 person non-profits to the Fortune 50.
He’s developed a number of WordPress plugins (WPBook, WPGPlus) and has spoken at conferences like Web Content (Chicago), Gilbane, New England GiveCamp, DrupalCamp Montreal, DrupalCamp Connecticut, WordCamp Boston, and CMS Expo.
He’s also the founding organizer of WordCamp Boston, and lead the organizing team in 2010 and 2011. He tweets as @jeckman, is on Github ( and his profile is

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